For some months now, I have had stipend time, to write a book on gender equality theory. That is, not just gender equality in practice, but as a theory matter also. A matter to be researched, studied, identified – far better than today.
Why? I look at gender equality as a subject on its own, beyond gender. I look at the main traditions in research regarding gender inequality, compared to new material on increasing equality. What works, what not. Wheat and chaff.
I also discuss theory issues like, when is a gender power model appropriate, when not. Is gender equality something that happens after a lot of social development and democratization – or rather, a causal factor or predictor variable, acting on its own.
The book will hopefully be published first in Norwegian (2012 or 13) as Likestillingsteori, and then in a revised and translated version ca one year later, as Gender equality theory.