- Holter, Øystein Gullvåg; Svare, Helge & Egeland, Cathrine (2009): Gender Equality and Quality of Life – A Nordic Perspective
- Men and health (2009): Journal of Men’s Health guest editorial
- Menn mot voldtekt [Men against rape] interview 2009: Menn må ta ansvar [Men must take responsibility]
- Recent downloads: “Men and masculinities in conflict and war“, Prio lecture Sept 24, 2008
- Recent archive download: Haukaa, Runa og Øystein Gullvåg Holter: Research as manliness / Vitenskap som mannlighet (1990). In Runa Haukaa & Øystein Gullvåg Holter, eds.: Mannlighet og forståelse [Manliness and understanding] . Rapport fra en konferanse om menn og forskning. NORAS/NAVF, Oslo, p. 8-19
- Holter, Øystein Gullvåg; Svare, Helge & Egeland, Cathrine: Likestilling og livskvalitet 2007 [Gender equality and quality of life 2007]. Download survey report (Norwegian)
- Holter, Øystein Gullvåg 2008b: Gender and action research.In Berg, Anne Marie; Eikeland, Olav (eds): Action Research and Organization Theory. Peter Lang, Bern.
- Holter, Øystein Gullvåg 2008a: Nytt kjønnsforskningsprogram i Norges Forskningsråd. Bulletine 1, 2008, s 16-17. (Outlines why the new gender research program emphasises gender equality theory and what this means.)
- Holter, Øystein Gullvåg 2007k. Kjønn som innovasjon og ‘det nye pappasporet’ [Gender as innovation and the new daddy track]. I: Kvande, Elin; Rasmussen, Bente, red.: Arbeidslivets klemmer – det nye arbeidslivets paradokser. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen. (This is a paper on the ‘daddy track’ in gender equality development).
- On new fathers and changing gender contracts: editorial in the Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association (Holter, Ø 2006e) – See excerpt (in Norwegian).
- Recently added to the source materials chapter: dr. philos thesis on social forms analysis (1997e excerpts), on Norwegian families (1993a excerpt); on sexuality (1994g excerpt and 1982b see text), on socialist patriarchy (1984dsee text), material from the “Men in Norway 1988” survey, and a 1972/1989 gender equality survey (excerpt).
- 2004a: “Social Theories for Researching Men and Masculinities: Direct Gender Hierarchy and Structural Inequality”. In Connell, R; Hearn, J; Kimmel, M eds. Handbook of men and masculinities, Sage, Thousand Oaks (2004)
Ferguson, H et al 2004: Ferguson, Harry; Hearn, Jeff; Holter, Øystein Gullvåg; Jalmert, Lars; Kimmel, Michael, Lang, James; Morrell, Robert: Ending gender-based violence: A call for global action to involve men. SIDA Swedish International Development Agency, Stockholm
- 2004e: “A Theory of Gendercide”. In: Adam Jones, ed.: Genocide and gendercide, Vanderbilt University Press, Norman 2004 (excerpt)
- 2005a: Work Changes Gender – Men and Equality in the Transition of Labour Forms (co-author). Edited by Puchert, Ralf; Gärtner, Marc & Höyng, Stephan. Barbara Budrich Publishers, Leverkusen
- 2005e Ar vyrai sugebes? (“Can men do it” Lithuanian edition)
- Madsen, Svend Aage; Kaster, Michael; Holter, Øystein Gullvåg; Nielsen, Mette Lykke; Schei, Berit 2005: Gender in professional work with rape victims (Kønnets betydning i det professionelle arbeidet med ofre for voldtægt). Psykologisk og Psykosocial Forskningsenhed, Rigshospitalet, København
- Sogn, Lorentzen & Holter 2006: Research on violence in Norway
- 2007e. Holter, Øystein Gullvåg (red). Män i rörelse. Jämställdhet, förändring och social innovation i Norden (Men in movement – gender equality, change and social inovation in the Nordic region) Gidlunds forlag, Hedemora, Sverige
“But of all materialist analyses of men and masculinity, the most original and far-reaching is the work of Holter (1995, 1997), unfortunately still little known outside of Scandinavia.’ (…) Holter’s ‘social forms analysis’ gives an account of gender, masculinity and femininity, as historically specific features of social life in modernity. They arise not from a timeless dichotomy of bodies but from the specific course of development of the large-scale structures of society.”
Connell, Robert. W.: The Men and the Boys, Polity Press, Cambridge 2000:21-22.