It feels strange, now, looking at a book I wrote many years ago.
The cover by Klaus Nordby is great – one of the best I have had, on the books I have published. You can see a key as well as a broken heart.
My own bookshelf copy is pictured here. It has been useful, opened many times.
What does the book say? Well – read it!
It is in Norwegian, and the title – translated – is “Dating, love and the gender market” (Sjekking, kjærlighet og kjønnsmarked). Pax, Oslo 1981.
The title starts with the Norwegian word “Sjekking” which is not so easy to translate (literal: checking, checking up). “Dating” is not quite precise, especially as it relates the practices in the US that were never common in Norway. Picking up a partner is maybe more realistic, on the whole, but the English words are not so clear.
There was a Swedish translation of the book (Hammarstrøm och Åberg, 1983) – using the word “Raggning” for the Norwegian “Sjekking”.
The cover (by Johan Petterson) shows another angle – a kiss above, a jungle below.
Note those eyes…
Sadly, the book was never published in English.