Publications in English

Publications in English, by date

Books in English

  • 1986e: Nordic Intimate Couples With Children – a Litterature Study of Nordic Marital Research. Co-author. (Samliv i Norden-prosjektet). Copenhagen 1986
  • 1995a: Labour of Love – Beyond the Self-evidence of Everyday Life. Co-editor with Tordis Borchgrevink, and contributor. Ashgate/Avebury
  • 1997e: Gender, Patriarchy and Capitalism: A Social Forms Analysis. (Kjønn, patriarkat og kapitalisme: en sosial formanalyse). Dr. philos dissertation, The University of Oslo. Published by the Work Research Institute, Oslo excerpt GPC thesis part 1 GPC thesis part 2 (old web page excerpt)
  • 2003b: Can Men Do It? Men and gender equality – the Nordic experience. TemaNord 2003:510, Copenhagen
  • Ferguson, H et al 2004: Ferguson, Harry; Hearn, Jeff; Holter, Øystein Gullvåg; Jalmert, Lars; Kimmel, Michael, Lang, James; Morrell, Robert: Ending gender-based violence: A call for global action to involve men. SIDA Swedish International Development Agency, Stockholm
  • 2005a: Work Changes Gender – Men and Equality in the Transition of Labour Forms (co-author). Edited by Puchert, Ralf; Gärtner, Marc & Höyng, Stephan. Barbara Budrich Publishers, Leverkusen
  • Holter, Øystein Gullvåg; Svare, Helge & Egeland, Cathrine (2009): Gender Equality and Quality of Life: A Norwegian Perspective.  The Nordic Gender Institute (NIKK), University of Oslo.

Papers in English

  • 1984f: “Gender As Forms Of Value”. In H.Holter, ed., Patriarchy In A Welfare Society, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo l984 First part (8mb) Last part (6mb)
  • 1983h: “Gender Equality In The Oil Industry”. Outline of a research project. WRI working paper, l983
  • 1986f: “Psychosocial Aspects of the Frigg Work Environment – Some Current Issues and Proposals for Research”. Co-author. WRI AI-dok 21 1986
  • 1987b: “Catering for the Oil: Catering and the Reproduction of the North Sea Communities. Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol 8, 1987, 81-110
  • 1987c: “Work/Family Interaction and Changes in Norwegian Families”. Paper presented at the Einar Thorsrud Memorial. Published in the book Nordic Intimate Couples – Love, Children and Work, Jamfo/Nordisk Ministerråd, Stockholm 1987
  • 1992c: Norwegian Families. In: Anne Cohen Kihl, ed.: Continuity and Change. Aspects of Contemporary Norway. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1993
  • 1992d: Patriarchy and ‘The Socially Organized Love Process’. Review of Anna G. Jonsadottir’s book Love Power and Political Interest. Acta Sociologica 35,1,71-74, 1992
  • 1992g: The Norwegian Network for Studies of Men. Introduction presented at the Fourth Annual International Interdisciplinary Men’s Studies Conference, Chicago, July 9th. 1992
  • 1994i: Focusing on men and social equality. The IASOM Newsletter vol 2, 1, Spring 1994
  • 1994j: Gender As Class and the Structure of Modern Patriarchy. Paper presented at the ‘Backlash or New Horizons’ conference, Universität Bielefeld, Germany, July 1994.
  • 1994k: Where Are Men’s Families? Paper presented at the Men’s Families conference Copenhagen, October 1994
  • 1995b: Family Theory Reconsidered. In Holter and Borchgrevinck, eds., Labour of Love, Avebury
  • 1996d: Review of R. W. Connell’s ‘Masculinities’. Acta Sociologica 39, 3, 337-41
  • 1996g: Authoritarianism and masculinity. The IASOM Newsletter 3, 1, 18-32
  • 1997a: Work, Gender and the Future. Journal of Organizational Change Management 10, 2, 167-74
  • 1997c: John Torrance’s ‘Karl Marx’s Theory of Ideas’. Acta Sociologica 40, 302-3
  • 1997d: On the history of fatherhood and the child as a woman’s project (Om farsskapets historie og barnet som kvinneprosjekt). Innledning på seminariet Maktløsa pappor & hoppløsa feder, Stockholm 27.9.97
  • 1997f: The Nordic Gender Equality and Welfare Model: a Brief Overview and Critical Appraisal. Presented at the International Political Science Association (IPSA) world congress in Seoul, Gender equality and equity panel (August 1997; read by Birgitte Young).
  • 1997h: Between Women and Capital: The Glass Ceiling in Context. Dr. philos (PhD) exam lecture, presented at the University of Oslo, Sept. 12 (unpublished)
  • 1998e: On men’s freedom of positive choice. The IASOM Newsletter 5,1,38-43
  • 2000a: Masculinities in Context: On Peace Issues and Patriarchal Order. In: Breines, Ingeborg; Connell, Robert;Eide, Ingrid, eds.: Male Roles and Masculinities: A Culture of Peace Perspective. Published by UNESCO (Culture of Peace), Paris
  • 2000f: Developing Gender Analysis. Paper presented at RUC Summer School, Roskilde
  • 2001d: Critical Studies of Men in Ten European Countries (1) (co-author with Hearn, Jeff et. Al.). Men and masculinities 4, 4, 380-408
  • 2002a: “A Theory of Gendercide”. Journal of Genocide Research 4, 1, 11-38 excerpt
  • 2002c Review of J. Bourke: An Intimate History of Killing. Men & Masculinities 5, 2, 224-226
  • 2002d Nordic Studies on Men: Paths for the Future. In: Developing Studies of Men in the Nordic Context (from paper presented at “Men’s cultures and networks – a multidisciplinary studies on men seminar”, Helsinki Oct 4, 2002). Published by The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Helsinki 2003
  • 2002g: Critical Studies of Men in Ten European Countries (2) (co-author with Hearn, Jeff et. Al.). Men and masculinities 5, 1, 5-31
  • 2002h: Critical Studies of Men in Ten European Countries (3) (co-author with Hearn, Jeff et. Al.). Men and masculinities 5, 2, 192-217
  • 2003 a: “A Theory of Gender, Patriarchy and Capitalism”. In: Ervøe, Søren; Johansson, Thomas, eds: Among Men – Moulding Masculinities Vol. 1, Ashgate, Aldershot
  • 2004a: “Social Theories for Researching Men and Masculinities: Direct Gender Hierarchy and Structural Inequality”. In Connell, R; Hearn, J; Kimmel, M eds. Handbook of men and masculinities, Sage, Thousand Oaks (2004)
  • 2004e: A Theory of Gendercide (revised version of 2002a). In Jones, Adam, ed.: Gendercide and genocide. Vanderbilt University Press, Norman (excerpt)
  • Hoyng, Stephan; Puchert, Ralf; Holter, Øystein Gullvåg 2005: Labour Market Changes and Gender. In: Ralf Puchert, Marc Gartner & Stephan Hoyng eds: Work Changes Gender (p. 21-72), Barbara Budrich Publishers, Leverkusen
  • Holter, Øystein Gullvåg; Riesenfeld, Vera; Scambor, Elli 2005: “We don’t have anything like that here!”: Organizations, Men and Gender Equality. In: Ralf Puchert, Marc Gartner & Stephan Hoyng eds: Work Changes Gender (p. 73-104), Barbara Budrich Publishers, Leverkusen
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona; Holter, Øystein Gullvåg 2005: Male Job and Life Patterns: A Correspondence Analysis. In: Ralf Puchert, Marc Gartner & Stephan Hoyng eds: Work Changes Gender (p. 105-115), Barbara Budrich Publishers, Leverkusen
  • 2005k: Preventing violence in the family: Nordic perspectives on the role of men. Keynote introduction, Conference on violence within the family, European Council, Strasbourg 6.12.2005
  • 2006a: Men’s work and family reconciliation in Europe. Paper submitted to Men and Masculinities.
  • 2006b: Masculinities and power in new historical research. Book review essay submitted to Men and Masculinities.
  • 2006d: Can men do it? On Men, Caring and Gender Equality  in an East/West European Perspective. In: Men and Fatherhood: New Forms of Masculinity in Europe, ed. by Arturas Tereskinas and Jolanta Reingardiene (Vilnius: Eugrimas, 2005), p. 114-145
  • Sogn, Lorentzen & Holter 2006: Sogn, Hanne; Lorentzen, Jørgen; Holter, Øystein Gullvåg: Research on violence in Norway. Prepared for CAHRV (EU FW6) . Internett publication (published by Kilden, Forskningsrådet),  see link
  • 2008b: Gender and action research. In Berg, Anne Marie; Eikeland, Olav (eds): Action Research and Organization Theory. Peter Lang, Bern
  • 2008c:  Men and masculinities in conflict and war PRIO lecture 24 oct 08.

  • 2008: contributor to Hagemann-White, Carol 2008: CAHRV – Gendering Human Rights Violations: The case of interpersonal violence. Directorate-General for Research. Eur 23336. Brussels
  • 2009e: Men, gender and health 2009 – the Norwegian view. Journal of Men’s Health guest editorial
  • 2011f: Key Findings from Norway Study on Gender Equality and Quality of Life. In;  Barker, Gary et al, eds: Evolving men: Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey IMAGES, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), Washington  (p 64-65)
  • 2011p: Unravelling the Maze: Gender Equality and Men’s Practices in Norway. In Pringle, K et al eds: Men and Masculinities Around the World: Transforming Men’s Practices (Global Masculinities). Palgrave Macmillan

  • 2012bTowards a New Fatherhood: Fathering Practices and Gender Equalities in Recent Nordic Research. In: Oechsle, Mechtild;  Muller, Ursula; Hess, Sabine (eds):  Fatherhood in Late Modernity. Cultural Images, Social Practices, Structural Frames (p 273-294). Verlag Barbara Budrich, Opladen
  • 2012: co-author of report, The Role of Men in Gender Equality (project financed by the EU Progress program)
  • 2010- : teaching materials for the University of Oslo master degree course Theorizing Gender Equality (KFL4050), e g 4050 h holter y hirdman models
  • For 2012 and later publications, see Cristin